The HackerNest Construct Hackathon took place a couple weeks back, and myself, Garth Gutenberg, Connie Leung and Tom Pepper competed as Team ISIS. The whole event was super well organized, and we got a chance to play with the soon to be released Kiwi Move.
Our idea was to create a cookie aid app where with the Kiwi Move strapped to your arm would guide you through a recipe and alert you if you were doing things wrong. After some technical hiccups we were able to get the data flowing from the device, and started training it to recognize when I was whisking, chopping, sifting, and even kneading, to eventually end up with some delicious Challah bread.

The app detected how many of each motion was done and, if you stopped doing the motion, provided some gentle words of encouragement.
You also didn’t have to click the Next button to advance – since your hands might be messy whilst cooking, once you had done the motions for that step you simply shake your hand slightly to continue.
The user interface turned out amazing with the use of a jQuery knob and Zerb foundation as a base and Connie and Tom’s design skills. The demo worked perfectly (live demos always work perfectly, right?) and nicely showed the difference between chopping and sifting.
Though our commit messages aren’t as amusing as Cat Burton’s and co’s Children’s Ward game created during a Game Jam hackathon, the code for our project can be found on Github.
All and all a great experience and was awesome to hack on a technology we normally wouldn’t have the chance to. A big thank you to the Ryerson Digital Media Zone for hosting and all the work of the volunteers! Check out the rest of the submissions from the event.