From many articles, including one from Easy Digital Downloads themselves, adding a trust seal can increase… well, trust, during checkout. But how do you add one during the EDD checkout?
There are some more advanced setups like adding a popup verification when the logo is clicked, but this will get a static image placed beside your Stripe checkout fields.
Get Your Trust Logo
This depends on your SSL provider, search for something like the issuer of your SSL certificate (such as Comodo) and «trust seal» to find it, or contact the company you bought the SSL certificate from.
Insert the Logo Beside the Credit Card Fields
The following action will add a logo beside your checkout fields by either placing the code in your child theme’s functions.php or in a functional plugin. Edit to fit your SSL certificate’s issuer, and you should copy the image and host it on your own site somewhere (ie. by uploading it to your media library):
<?php /*** Plugin Name: EDD SSL Seal on Stripe Checkout Plugin URI: Description: Adds an SSL seal to the checkout when paying via Stripe Version: 0.1 Author: Brian Hogg Author URI: Contributors: brianhogg License: GPL2 or later License URI: */ function edd_ssl_during_stripe() { ?> <a id="ssl-seal" href=""> <img src="" alt="Comodo Trusted Site Seal" width="113" height="59" style="border: 0px;"> <br> <span style="font-weight:bold; font-size:7pt">SSL Certificate</span> </a> <?php } add_action( 'edd_after_cc_expiration', 'edd_ssl_during_stripe' );
By default the logo will show up underneath the fields, which isn’t ideal:

So we’ll add a bit of CSS to fix.
Add the CSS
This CSS will add the logo to the right of the fields, but hide on mobile:
#edd_purchase_form_wrap #ssl-seal { position: absolute; top: 100px; right: 50px; text-align: center; } @media (max-width: 768px) { #ssl-seal { display: none; } }

That’s it! Now you have a nice SSL logo beside your checkout fields to help your conversion rate.