I’m still pretty set on not having it be included in core with the next release and to keep it as a plugin. It’s far from ready, and the current plan is to push it out by April of 2018.
Categoría: Javascript
Fixing issue with Stripe, Easy Digital Downloads and Terms Checkbox
So what’s the issue? Well if someone misses that little checkbox to agree to your terms and conditions, the whole page will refresh and all the data will be lost.
Review of the Smart Podcaster plugin for WordPress
I recently tried the Smart Podcast Plugin by the infamous Pat Flynn, and wanted to share some thoughts on getting it configured the way I wanted for the Discover #HamOnt Podcast.
WordPress AJAX response codes using status_header
I’m constantly searching around for the cleanest and most “WordPress way” to do things vs. re-inventing the wheel. One function that helps write cleaner AJAX call handlers is status_header(), to… Leer más »
jQuery Validator Plugin with a Custom Validation Function and Dependency Selectors
The jQuery validator plugin is a great way to add validation to forms in a clean way. Error messages shown and hidden when they attempt to submit, and on the fly… Leer más »