By default you can set up Stripe, PayPal and other payment gateways to complete a sale using Easy Digital Downloads. But all of them happen on a separate checkout page. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use something like Paddle or SendOwl to collect payment in a simple popup modal, and have Easy Digital Downloads handle the software licensing?
Category: Easy Digital Downloads
How to Integrate Easy Digital Downloads and HelpScout
Easily see the sales data when you get a new message or support request, with links to quickly jump to that sale or license key in Easy Digital Downloads. Huge time saver!
How to alter or disable the EDD renewal discount if the license key expired
It’s common practice (at least at the moment) in the WordPress world to offer a discount when someone renews their license key for your plugin. But I don’t want to give the same full discount forever, if they let their license expire then decide to renew weeks or months down the road. By creating a time limit on the discount it forces the decision to be made and renew.
How to generate a bunch of single-use discount codes in Easy Digital Downloads
I needed to create a bunch of one-time use discount codes for a store, and created a script to do just that.
Styling to make the Easy Digital Downloads checkout look better
Easy Digital Downloads checkout styling isn’t too bad, the spacing of some elements like the terms and conditions and purchase total are a bit off. Here’s some styling to fix that.