For one of my courses, I needed a way to create different paths or “streams” students could take through the course.
Categoría: Tutorials
How to query all Easy Digital Downloads products
While there is an API for working with Easy Digital Downloads data, you might just want to fetch all the downloads you have or query for a specific one.
Tips on sanitizing and validating WordPress plugin data
When I submitted the free version of a plugin to the WordPress plugin directory, I got an email back saying it was rejected. But why?
Tips and examples on preparing a WordPress plugin for translation
A quick video with some examples on making your plugin translatable into other languages, including handling HTML links with text mixed in.
How to create a functional WordPress plugin instead of hacking functions.php
Most of the time when you see a little snippet of WordPress code somewhere on the internet, you’re told to just put it in your theme’s functions.php file. Problem is, when you update your theme, you’ll lose that code.
How to restrict lessons based on EDD variable price with LearnDash
What if you want to sell tiers or packages of your course using LearnDash and Easy Digital Downloads? Fortunately this is relatively easy to do with a bit of customization!
How to use Easy Digital Downloads Software Licensing for an Add-on with Updates Only
You have an add-on that you want to give away as part of another purchase for certain prices. Yet, you want to allow updates in case there are any.
How to maintain and update your free hosted plugin using Git
Using this method you can use git for the majority of your source code control while only pulling in your changes using git when you need to push an update to your users.
Fixing issue with Stripe, Easy Digital Downloads and Terms Checkbox
So what’s the issue? Well if someone misses that little checkbox to agree to your terms and conditions, the whole page will refresh and all the data will be lost.
How to create a signup form using Mailchimp groups in WordPress
Using MailChimp for WordPress you can avoid errors and with Boxzilla, allows you to create a popup on link click or slide in when they scroll down the page