You can detect if the cron is running using DOING_CRON
Autor: bhcadmin
How to integrate MailChimp into WordPress
In these videos you’ll learn how to integrate a MailChimp signup form, customize the look and feel of the signup process, and how to provide a free download to new subscribers.
Updating plugins in WordPress when hosting with WPEngine
While you can use these instructions without using WPEngine, you’ll need to make sure you have a backup of your site before proceeding.
Why Twitter share is not working with your test server website links
Was trying to wrap my head around why the twitter share URL was not working on the test server, as it would say the tweet is too long even though… Leer más »
WordPress plugins now show active installs instead of downloads
I didn’t see anything come through on but now «Active Installs» is shown for plugins in the repository instead of downloads: I initially thought this was just because… Leer más »
How does the WPEngine GeoIP service work?
Today WPEngine launched their new GeoIP service, and I was excited to check it out. After doing a presentation on handling Geolocation in WordPress I know it can be a difficult… Leer más »
Just because WordPress still supports PHP 5.2 doesn’t mean you have to
WordPress still has a minimum PHP 5.2 requirement, which has many known security issues and reached end-of-life back in 2011. 4 years ago. A lot has changed in PHP and… Leer más »
How to change the WordPress permalink structure to remove dates from the URL
If the content you write isn’t date specific (ie. news), it’s a good idea to remove the date from the URL of your WordPress site. This is also good if, like… Leer más »
How to fix slow sendmail on a Digital Ocean Ubuntu droplet
I recently switched over to Digital Ocean for my main server thanks to Bryan Poetz‘s suggestion, and was running into an issue where mail was sending but slowly. Turns out… Leer más »
Introduction to Backbone.js

I recently spoke again at WordCamp Buffalo. I saw a lot of great talks and met some passionate WordPress designers, developers and users I normally wouldn’t have! The talk was… Leer más »