The latest version of the plugins page contained the full text of the last two reviews, even if those reviews are false or mis-leading.
Author: bhcadmin
How to shape the new WordPress Plugin Directory
The new WordPress Plugin Directory design was launched this week, much to the despair of many plugin authors. Here’s some ways to help shape its future.
Tips on sanitizing and validating WordPress plugin data
When I submitted the free version of a plugin to the WordPress plugin directory, I got an email back saying it was rejected. But why?
Tips and examples on preparing a WordPress plugin for translation
A quick video with some examples on making your plugin translatable into other languages, including handling HTML links with text mixed in.
How to create a functional WordPress plugin instead of hacking functions.php
Most of the time when you see a little snippet of WordPress code somewhere on the internet, you’re told to just put it in your theme’s functions.php file. Problem is, when you update your theme, you’ll lose that code.
How to ensure the Beaver Builder child theme CSS cache is cleared
When you make a change to your Beaver Builder child theme CSS, changes may not appear for people who have visited your site unless they clear their cache.
How to restrict lessons based on EDD variable price with LearnDash
What if you want to sell tiers or packages of your course using LearnDash and Easy Digital Downloads? Fortunately this is relatively easy to do with a bit of customization!
Styling to make the Easy Digital Downloads checkout look better
Easy Digital Downloads checkout styling isn’t too bad, the spacing of some elements like the terms and conditions and purchase total are a bit off. Here’s some styling to fix that.
How to get VVV working again after OSX update
I just updated to the latest version of El Capitan (10.11.6) and was no longer able to access any of the virtual hosts in VVV due to an HTTP timeout.
How to use Easy Digital Downloads Software Licensing for an Add-on with Updates Only
You have an add-on that you want to give away as part of another purchase for certain prices. Yet, you want to allow updates in case there are any.